DO yoga to combat covid-19

3 min readOct 28, 2020

Covid-19 is a pandemic that has badly affected the whole world. This pandemic is spreading day by day. The number of people affected by this pandemic is severely increasing in western countries like America while in eastern countries like Pakistan conditions are under control however the second surge is predicted in winter. Efforts are continuing to discover its vaccine.
Yoga is a group of effective practices that maintain physical mental health.
There are a lot of benefits from yoga. Yoga has become very popular. People take it seriously for the treatment of diseases like to cure anxiety, depression, hypertension, and chronic pains. It has been found very productive in these cases.
Here I am going to tell you how yoga can be used to combat covid-19.

Needs immunity to combat covid-19

To fight with covid-19 our immune system must be strong. The immune system is the defense system of our body that protects our body against attacking agents like viruses. If our immune system is strong then it will produce antibodies that will work as a shield to save us from the harmful effects of disease-causing agents.

when our immune system is weak we face these problems:

  • Feeling lazy and tired
  • Mental stress increased
  • Tummy problems
  • The healing process is slow down

Yoga as an immunity booster

In an INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND MANAGEMENT it was concluded that Our immune system has a direct link with our brain when we have stress or depression then functional productivity of our body systems is affected. During this pandemic people also have depression due to living in loneliness as “social distancing’’ is the slogan of these days. While yoga also plays a vital role in reducing mental stress due to which the working of our immune system is improved. As we know that in covid-19 viral disease our breathing activity is also affected so yoga also improves our lung’s working ability. When our immune system becomes strong then the virus becomes inactive in the body and we do not get harmful effects of the virus. Along with yoga some ayurvedic medicines also have a good effect on preventing covid-19.

3 yoga Asanas to improve your immunity:

Here are three yoga asanas to improve your immune system.

Tadasana (Mountain pose)

The most popular form of yoga is the tadasana yoga pose. It is actually called the “mother” of other yoga poses. You should do it with an empty stomach. Do it with deep breaths. Do it with five deep breaths for 10 minutes.


  • Maintain a good digestive system
  • Reduce tension and stress
  • Boosts up the energy level
  • Increase blood circulation

Padangusthasana ( Big toe pose)

In this asana muscles of the back of your spine and legs stretch. Do it in the morning time with an empty stomach for 30 sec.


  • Reduces your stress and anxiety
  • Relaxes your central nervous system
  • Improves your sleep
  • Improves your digestive system

Vrikashasana (Tree pose)

In this asana, you have to balance yourself like a stable tree. Therefore, it is called a tree pose. You should do it in the morning. Hold it for a minute on each leg.


  • Your spine becomes strong with it
  • Your mental ability increases
  • Increased your stamina
  • Strengthen your nervous system


yoga is very effective to improve your immunity to fight with covid-19.

you must start doing it.

